The StORI (Stories of Rural India) series uses real stories from rural India, of disenfranchised people and communities, and the unique challenges they overcome every day, be it in infrastructure, health care, disability, or job security.

They are stories of triumph – of children who participate cheerfully in civic issues, athletes who power past their disabilities, citizens who demand their right to be heard – and an attempt to give these voices a platform, as well as address the serious dearth of children’s books that are set in non-urban locations.

More than just being fun, interesting books to read, they open the door for educators to fascinating discussions on current events, geography, social studies, civics, ethnography, diversity, and inclusion. They offer us a peek into a vast world that exists beyond our narrow boundaries and fit very well with the NEP’s agenda of encouraging holistic, inquiry-based, and discovery-based learning.

We hope that through these, Indian children will be offered an idea of India that is diverse and pluralistic, through which empathy and understanding can be built.

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