A Thousand Full Moons


In a few days, Nila’s great-grandmother, Muthassi, will have lived to have seen a thousand full moons. As her whole family prepares to celebrate, Muthassi has an accident. On the day of the full moon, she is in a small hospital room with no view of the night sky. But Nila is determined that Muthassi will see her thousandth full moon, even if she needs to take the moon to her.

Will she succeed?

Illustrated in intricate, hand-done papercut art by Keerthana Ramesh, this gentle story by Shobha Viswanath is a celebration of family.



Product Details

Age Group: 4+ Years
Author: Shobha Viswanath
Illustrator: Keerthana Ramesh
No. of pages: 32
Format: Picture Book
Size: 12 x 12 inches

Binding: Hardback

Categories: , Tags: , ISBN: 978-93-91790-26-4.



The Making of A Thousand Full Moons by the Illustrator:

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